Road into the Mountains


TPF Noob!
Mar 13, 2008
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England, UK
Can others edit my Photos
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Took this today with Gman and mate, I must say I am very very pleased with the results,
All pictures have been processed in Photomatrix, with 7 differently exposed shots (apart from the last which was 3,(which you can tell, as the sky isn't as good as the others) a car was coming from behind, so had to be quick)
The first in my Favourite.



sorry bro, just not fan.

honestly they dont do much for me.

the left hand mountain looks like you bumped the contrast enough to where you dont get much detail. the first shot isnt bad but the rest are blah.

then the colors i fell are dull, bump that saturation a tad pal!

but please, dont get me wrong, its not that they arent good im just not feelin them. peace
I really like these photos, especially the last one. The angles and your friend lying on the road capture my attention. The colors are fantastic, man I really need to learn HDR and get a camera that can do it.
Great job!
I like the colors in these. I like the gloominess with hints of light coming through the clouds in the first one. Personally, I think I would have moved up a little to exclude that gate on the left from my shot.

One thing I noticed that bugs me...the clouds don't line up good on the shots. I'm assuming this is due to the 7 exposures...that would be tough to get clouds to line up with that many exposures. Clouds can move and swirl around pretty fast, you may want to try to lessen the exposures to 3 or so and be quicker.
great shot, the first one is deff. my favorite.
I am not a huge fan of HDR, but I really like the way the road looks in all of them
I think they're great. The only thing I don't like about them is how some patches of sky are completely washed out but other than that they're ace in my book. Did you do the HDR's with 1 RAW file or 3 differently exposed ones?
I think they're great. The only thing I don't like about them is how some patches of sky are completely washed out but other than that they're ace in my book. Did you do the HDR's with 1 RAW file or 3 differently exposed ones?

Thanks for the comments, I like to use as many different exposed shot as possible, as I think it brings out more dynamic range. . . .

But I have processed my middle ground 0.0 RAW exposed shot, changed the exposure +2 and -2, and then proccess the three and got the below image.

Which looks better??

Multi exposed RAW's into HDR

One exposed RAW 0,+2,-2 HDR
The advantage of the tonemapped photo (HDR from one differently exposed RAW-file) over the bracketed photos is that the movement of the clouds no longer shows. There must have been so much wind up there that even your fastest bracketing could not prevent the ragged edges of the clouds, and they are a mild distraction. Other than that, the atmosphere is special in your photos, and the gloominess really works well here!
The advantage of the tonemapped photo (HDR from one differently exposed RAW-file) over the bracketed photos is that the movement of the clouds no longer shows. There must have been so much wind up there that even your fastest bracketing could not prevent the ragged edges of the clouds, and they are a mild distraction. Other than that, the atmosphere is special in your photos, and the gloominess really works well here!

I feel the 2nd shot looks a little 'flat', the whites clouds have lost the impact?? (but could just need processing a little more instead)

Thanks for the comments:D

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