roanoke marshes


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Jan 10, 2021
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it's a few years old, but it's my best seller. i took this moments before the heavens opened up in a crude attempt to make me melt. it was processed twice, once for the overall color with some blueish grey color grading and once for the red roof which did melt from the color grading. there's always some banding in the sky with this image at web sizes, but in a 24x36" print it's unnoticeable.

I like the mood of the image. The red and white of the building against the darkness of the jetty and the clouds really works.

Sent from my CPH2009 using Tapatalk
Yeah, moody shot and great contrast of the building, and roof against dark sky and water.
I haven't decided if this could be the scene of a quaint little New England themed story, or a Stephen King horror:1247: It's a great shot either way :)
Wonderful render. A lot of tension here.
I like the mood of the image. The red and white of the building against the darkness of the jetty and the clouds really works.

Sent from my CPH2009 using Tapatalk
thanks. it's not a local lighthouse shot, but i think the stark white and red is why it sells so well.

Yeah, moody shot and great contrast of the building, and roof against dark sky and water.
thanks space face. it almost made it worth getting drenched.

Nice shot.....
thanks jeff.

I agree with all the above. It's a very pleasing image.
thanks k9. though i'm a little upset that i forgot to tilt the image a few degrees before posting.

I haven't decided if this could be the scene of a quaint little New England themed story, or a Stephen King horror:1247: It's a great shot either way :)
thanks dean. let's go with a stephen king horror. i like horror. but i also like lobster rolls. maybe it can be a horror with lobster rolls.

Wonderful render. A lot of tension here.
thanks jcdeboever.
I like the mood of the image. The red and white of the building against the darkness of the jetty and the clouds really works.

Sent from my CPH2009 using Tapatalk
thanks. it's not a local lighthouse shot, but i think the stark white and red is why it sells so well.

Yeah, moody shot and great contrast of the building, and roof against dark sky and water.
thanks space face. it almost made it worth getting drenched.

Nice shot.....
thanks jeff.

I agree with all the above. It's a very pleasing image.
thanks k9. though i'm a little upset that i forgot to tilt the image a few degrees before posting.

I haven't decided if this could be the scene of a quaint little New England themed story, or a Stephen King horror:1247: It's a great shot either way :)
thanks dean. let's go with a stephen king horror. i like horror. but i also like lobster rolls. maybe it can be a horror with lobster rolls.

Wonderful render. A lot of tension here.
thanks jcdeboever.

We must feed the beast, it isn't happy unless it has something to groan about. ;) :D

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