Rockabilly Guitar

Space Face

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 7, 2020
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Guitar 2-1- DENOISED-denoise.webp
I like that. Nice composition and lighting. The background bokeh helps highlight the reflection of the tremolo bar.
Sweet axe. I had an orange 6120 for a bit. I can almost hear the tone in this shot
very nice! great photo too.
Sweet axe. I had an orange 6120 for a bit. I can almost hear the tone in this shot

You might have a change of heart if you heard me play it.:D

It's not too late to take some lessons.

Very nice pic and guitar.

It is when you have bloody bratwurst fingers like me. My main instrument is bass guitar tho so my chunky digits are fine for that.
I didn't know you were this good.
It's a " Wow " for me. This is a nice image. Really nice.
I like it!
I'm of the opinion that this is an excellent image. Worthy of a nomination, actually.
All's I can figure is this was shot with a fast lens, wide open, maybe a 1.8? With spot metering. ISO 250 or so? 1/60?
I dont see flash in the image. This is a really good image. I wish I had that guitar here to practice with, but im not any good with this type of photography anyway. Its beautiful. Anyway, I'm talkin too much.
Be well.

Sigma 105mm f/1.4 @ f/1.4. Fully manual, no flash. I can't remember the iso and ss.

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