Russians are spam happy lately.


Furtographer Extraordinaire!
Staff member
Jun 23, 2015
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Petawawa, Ontario
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Is there no way to set up a script that deletes a user whose first post is in Russian and contains and email?

It would ease the workload on the mods. lol
Actually, a lot of it does get captured in this way before it makes the main forum. Easier to clean when it 's captured, but this forum software still requires a couple of clicks from a mod in the background. There are likely add-ons for it, but once this backs off, it will be more easily manageable again.

Thanks for considering our pain level. :lol:
Spammers from China are working hard too...we should not overlook their efforts. Let's not get all Russian-centric and overlook the noble spammers that call China home.
The other site gets a bunch of ads and ad images posted from India; I have a morning ritual in which I clear out a lot.

Between spammers, trolls and us when we get uncivilized, cheers to the admins and mods for what they do. :clap:
I value the unsolicited emails though. If it wasn't for those, I'd have never known about my long lost Nigerian uncle who wants to leave me his fortune.
Just noticed 2 posts in the thread new ct scanners rough on film, they will not translate for me
So no idea what they are
I value the unsolicited emails though. If it wasn't for those, I'd have never known about my long lost Nigerian uncle who wants to leave me his fortune.
A number of years ago, I created a web page for an organization in which I was a member, and I had an email link for contacting us. Before long, we started getting spammy emails from many places, the most memorable being in Polish and wanting us to purchase some machinery. The Indian stuff is generally real estate / vacation packages / wedding venues, food, jewelry, and escort services.
Add another telephone spamming.
So many calls from people claiming to be, amazon,BT, internet provider and that my account will be closed unless I pay xyz by abc.

Just for fun
Years ago I had a firm ring up and say that my wife had agreed that we would have an extension added
I was single at the time
So said yes come on round and start, opps I failed to say that I lived on the seventh floor
All we can ask users to do is when you see spam - report it for the mods. Also don't quote or reply to it. You don't need to say "spam" in the thread and such. Especially since sometimes they will spam an old thread back up to the top so if you start posting too then it stays up even once the spam is removed.

Also if you notice the same account spamming multiple times you only need to report it once - moderator tools let us remove the spammer in one go so as long as we get them once we take EVERYTHING under their account out at once. :)
I post reported so others know it's been done. I will just report it, now.
... of course I'm waiting for this thread to get hit.
Spam is a massive issue, as are bots. As are "soft" registration attempts. I'm admin on another much smaller forum and we ended up getting so many spam referrals from weird "adult oriented" sites we've ditched captcha and and went to a non searchable Q+A for member registration.

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