Rust and board

Tim Tucker

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Mar 23, 2015
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So many thing drew me here. I liked the swirl of the new growth's shadow against the angular structure of the boards we turn it into, played against the angular structure of the iron that turns to swirls with time. (Is rust growth or decay?) Green against red, texture against texture, but somehow they seem to be working towards each other, negating the opposites.

I just liked it.
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Interesting shot
I think rust is both growth and decay...the growth of rust, the decay of metal...
Woah! This to me portrays "Life n Death" The plant clinging on signifies hope n life and the decay: Death.
Loved the way you were able to capture it all, the hues, the detailing. Superb.
Love this Tim.

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