Safely marking a camera battery?


TPF Noob!
May 29, 2012
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I have four batteries for my T3i and I'm wondering if there is a safe way to mark with a number them so I can more easily keep track of which one is which between charges. I would think marker, but I'm wondering if that could be a bad idea as when they charge and operate within the camera they do get pretty warm. I wonder if there would be any danger in the marker running off and damaging the inner workers of the camera. Any input or methods as to go about marking a battery would be appreciated.

-J. Weegee
I use a sharpie. I wouldn't worry about it. Just don't cut numbers out of duck tape and slap 'em on there.

FWIW, I've had no issues with sharpie-ing them.
I stick a dab of C4 on there to protect the battery from the sharpie writing. From watching a lot of TV I gathered that it's totally inert unless connected to a triggering device and it makes a good conversation starter in banks.
I stick a dab of C4 on there to protect the battery from the sharpie writing. From watching a lot of TV I gathered that it's totally inert unless connected to a triggering device and it makes a good conversation starter in banks.

A dab will do ya!

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