Saint Raymond


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Mar 10, 2007
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An abandoned house lost in rural Manitoba...


Thanks for looking...
I quite like this, nice PP. My only criticism would be that there's not a lot going on in the left half of the image where there's just quite a lot of darkness. I quite like the composition at the same time though.
Very dramatic, I really like it.
Though I have to agree with Photog, the left half is a bit too dark.
But great work :-)
Thank you very much for the feedback, guys. In an attempt to guide the viewer's eye to the house, I darkened the left-hand side of the photo a tad too much (the trees in particular). In my mind, the left side of the image is important, as it shows the fence (which gives a hint of the state of this house/estate).
If you are trying to lead in with darkening, I would also darken some of the foreground and a tad bit on the right side of the image. Not as dark as the existing left side of the image though.

The other aspect of the image that sort of makes this plain, is the straight on eyelevel shot. Maybe a lower stanch would help...I don't really know though, as without being there sometimes makes it hard to figure the answer.
If you are trying to lead in with darkening, I would also darken some of the foreground and a tad bit on the right side of the image. Not as dark as the existing left side of the image though.

The other aspect of the image that sort of makes this plain, is the straight on eyelevel shot. Maybe a lower stanch would help...I don't really know though, as without being there sometimes makes it hard to figure the answer.
Thanks much for the feedback, Pierre. This one was a challenge to shoot, due to the positioning of various trees in that front yard and also the fence posts. It might not be obvious, but when I shot this I was standing in the ditch, below "normal" eye level. From where I was standing, the fence right in front of the house was lower than everywhere else --which is why I shot this from this particular spot. The house was about 30 metres behind the fence.

My friend and I spent 30 minutes trying to find the ideal vantage point. My friend came up empty handed, and I (after switching lenses twice!) could only come up with this as my only minimally compelling image. Very frustrating... but interesting to push one's limits.

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