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TPF Noob!
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
New York, Bronx/Westchester
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What more if anything can be done with this shot to make it better? Thanks.

Nice pic. Not sure about the blue cone but I realize that some clubs use those for pointer cones.

Great job catching it lifting it's inside front tire. You gotta love Porsches for that!!

I like the angle of the pic. Gives me an idea for my next autocross.

BTW - where is this at?
I like the selective color of this shot. I do think that you should make the cone orange instead of blue. I understand why it's blue but most people will not, so maybe if it was orange it'd kinda frame the sides of the shot with an orange one on either side. This is just my opinion, good shot whatever you decide to do.
flip the blue cone so it's standing up.
Toddb, The cone was panted blue and thats new this year for that club, and the tilt does help alot with autocross shots as does panning. This is a club that runs out of NJ where the NY Giants play.

Thanks Darton.

Sw1tchFX, That would be some good PS practice for me!

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