senior portraits


TPF Noob!
Jun 19, 2009
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i did a shoot today. this girl is my friend and she is helping me as far as posing

next time i think i will have her turn to (our) right more and then turn her head towards the camera. i like the purple background best, and also i need to fix her posture a wee bit. besides that, comments?

critique is greatly appreciated



have you tried a formal portrait?, the idea is to have the model sit on a 45 degree angle to the camera and have the head looking at the camera, shoulders/back straight etc. though you will probably need a couple of flashes. just a thought :)

nice images by the way.
And Rembrant lighting. Oh Rembrant, how I do love your paintings at the VAG... (There's an exhibit of his work at the Vancouver Art Gallery; good stuff). Then again, to do that well you'll want umbrellas and stands too. That can be pricy business. >.<

I'd like to see her eyes more open. The posture is a bit too far forward as you may have noticed. If you're shooting your flash in ETTL (Canon) or iTTL (Nikon) switch to manual. No pre-flash means no reaction, means no blinking or even half-blinking.
to dwol, the idea was to have her sit 45 and turn her shoulders and sit straight up. but everytime i posed her, then we would have to work on her expression and by that time she would lose the pose. next time i feel we will be more comfortable, thus she will work better with me

to musicaleCA, i was not using the flashes in auto, and she is normally somewhat squinty. but she claimed she was tired and next time she wouldnt be, therefore hopefully solving the problem

i have 2 umbrellas, 2 flashes, and 2 stands.
As mentioned, she's leaning a bit forward, and turning her a little to her left and straightening her head (upward) would help. And that shirt is just a teensy bit low cut for a high school senior photo. I may be biased for having a daughter, but I wouldn't want mine to be showing that kind of cleavage in a senior photo.
With two lights, yeah, you can pull off Rembrant lighting. :)

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