Shawshank Redemption...

Bitter Jeweler

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Apr 27, 2009
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Cleveland, Ohio
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
...was partially filmed in the Manfield Reformatory, here in Ohio. I went on a field trip there, where, for a fee, we had complete free roam of the joint. What a fantastic, creepy experience it was! I had a real hard time finding what I thought were interesting shots partly because I was just soooo overwhelmed by the place, and partly because everything started looking the same. Peeling paint EVERYWHERE! I am talking the big long curls of paint. It made everything "fuzzy" and lose definition. I post a few now, and some more later.

This was my "shot of the day". Taken with my new 100mm Macro lens. This lens is definately a step up from the kit lenses. Great focus and clarity.


One of the Cell Blocks, 5 stories tall.



I'll post more later. Still processing and weeding out the better.
#1 amnd #2 seem over clarified and have lost definition in the edges.

i dont know if its just from the original or post work but maybe instead of upping clarity (if thats what was done) you can run some USM
Oh man, what I wouldn't give to have 5 models, two days and my whole studio with me in that place.

What a great location.
What I wouldn't give to have five models.
Very Nice. I like #2 better on your second post of pictures. Gives it that rustic feel and goes with the theme of the place more.

What type of lighting were they using for those 4 rooms to get the cross beam?
What type of lighting were they using for those 4 rooms to get the cross beam?

Untouched, natural, as it occurs through the windows, sunlight.
No tricks.
What a fantastic location. And your images capture the solitude and decrepitude of the place. Really well done
Keep them coming.......I wold love to see more.........and didnt you go to a kite fest or something a couple of weeks back? Where are those pics?
Wow, your second set you posted are really cool. I love the crossing light patterns. Man, what a GREAT location!
Wow!! those are great. I'm not good enough to explain what's wrong with photographs but I know what I like and those are fantastic!
:thumbup:Everyone of them are great,bravo:thumbup:

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