Should I buy this lens? Good Deal? (Tokina 12-24 DX f4)


TPF Noob!
Dec 19, 2011
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Oahu, Hawaii
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Came across a pretty good deal on a Nikon mount Tokina 12-24 f4. This is the first version and I know it wont focus with my D5100 but for $225.00 I think I can live with manual focus. What do you think? Was the first version that bad? Should I grab it?
Yup, that's the one. I think I will swoop on it.
Got it... Pretty stoked. It's in great condition and I'm really looking forward to giving it a test run. Just need to get a hood and circular polarizer for it.
Went out and shot a few real quick. Not bad, but not great. I purposely took this shot to check for CA and fringing in the branches, and there is some but not real bad. It has less CA than my 35 1.8 that's for sure. I think I got my moneys worth.

DSC_0070_tonemapped by Oldskewl808, on Flickr
I love my Tokina 12-24 f/4! Enjoy the lens...
Tokina makes some nice stuff!
nice capture, is that a Cheshire cat on the tallest branch?
If that is "not bad", then I want to see the real good ones ...
Thanks Flare! Here is another one I took a couple nights ago with the Tokina. I really like this lens, the focus thing is really a non issue since the focus only comes into play for objects really close, I hardly ever touch it.

DSC_0041_tonemapped by Oldskewl808, on Flickr
Definitely a really nice composition and light! Liking it! And you already do have a good eye for wide. As many find there is a different way of seeing and composing to maximize a composition using the ultra-wide perspective. And many don't stick with them after initial using because they don't get instant gratifying results and takes some re-thinking and practice.
You got a killer deal. I just sold one for 350.

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