shutterstock questions


TPF Noob!
Oct 31, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hi guys, i wanna send some photos to shutterstock too but i cannot figure out the earnings. Can someone explain to me for eg.
1. what are the life time earnings?
2. how do ones photos change type (Per-Day Subscriptions, Single Image On Demand etc.) or how are they categorized?

Shutterstock :: Make money with your photos!
Have you asked Shutterstock? Try sending them an email.
As your lifetime earnings increase, so does how much they pay for each of your photos someone pays to use.

In other words you need to upload, and have accepted, a lot of photos. Like hundreds of them, and you need to keep adding photos (hundreds more), if you wnat to make more than just pocket change.
so lifetime earnings is the money that one has earned from the photos selled? but in the beginning that would be only a few cents! correct? how on earth would it reach more than 500$ thats needed to change scale?

and what specs are needed for a photo to change from one type to another? i mean what does a photo acquire to be in the "enhanced license" group and not in the "per day subscription" or vice versa?

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