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Sigma 120-300mm f2.8 OS - Has Landed!


hmm I recognise this place! And some of you!
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May 1, 2008
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Makes my 70-200mm f2.8 look small and feel light!

The other oddity is zoom and focusing being reversed on the barrel - my pinky finger will have to get used to focusing with it when needed. The light outside is also dull as anything (good old cloud cover ;)) so nothing really to report on testing yet. A few f7.1 ISO 800 1/80sec shots came out not too bad (considering the less than ideal settings and exposure), though at 300mm and 1/80sec I think I'm pushing it a little near the limits of the OS (the kind of speed where you need a good pose and a wall to lean on to get away with it).
Sweet! Look forward to seeing some shots, this lens has always intrigued me. I'm particularly curious to see how it does at 300mm f/2.8.
Ahh! Wnderful! I've been lusting for this lens for quite a while now. Looks absolutely spectacular. I can't wait to see what you can do with it. Please post some test shots at all the extremes when lighting is good!

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300mm shot - the pot came out a little sharper than the birds so I'm thinking either the AF nabbed the pot as opposed to the birds or maybe a tiny bit of focus adjustment is needed (I'll do proper tests for this). Still this thing is heavy - its going to take a while to get used to the new weight and that really does show up when I've experimented with the 2*TC.

No proper 600mm test shots yet, but I can say that image quality makes a big jump between wide open and one stop down (as expected).
Which one of your children did you sell in order to buy that lens? I'm just kidding. :)

I hope the autofocus works well. When test-shooting the Tamron 70-200mm it was like nails on chalkboard for me, and it was slooooowwww, and none too accurate.. Of course, this isn't a Tamron, but it's third-party so I'm just curious.
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I've not compared it to my 70-200mm directly but the AF is certainly fast enough when on the bare lens itself - no complaints here. Becomes a bit more pedestrian in speed with the 2*TC, but even the 70-200mm also slows down, its a fact one can't get around and that you'll only get better with dedicated primes.

It's also super quite on both AF and OS .
Thats one big piece of equipment. How do you find sigma lenses working with teleconverters, is the image quality good
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Canon 7D - Sigma 120-300mm plus sigma 2*TC at 600mm
f7.1, ISO 400, 1/320sec taken on tripod with OS off.
Follow the link for flickr and fullsize version

Only capture sharpening applied by default by RAW processor - nothing else adjusted nor changed from default output.

Not quite as good as my 70-200mm MII with a 2*TC but honestly good enough for me! I've tried some wide open but I can't ever seem to get anything that comes out good so I think f7.1 is a fairly hard line limit for this combo - but with a zoom pushed twice its focal length that is to be expected.

And Canon teleconverters will fit to the 120-300mm so you don't have to use Sigma brand ones


Canon 7D - Sigma 120-300mm plus sigma 2*TC at 600mm
f7.1, ISO 400, 1/320sec taken on tripod with OS off.
Follow the link for flickr and fullsize version

Only capture sharpening applied by default by RAW processor - nothing else adjusted nor changed from default output.

Not quite as good as my 70-200mm MII with a 2*TC but honestly good enough for me! I've tried some wide open but I can't ever seem to get anything that comes out good so I think f7.1 is a fairly hard line limit for this combo - but with a zoom pushed twice its focal length that is to be expected.

And Canon teleconverters will fit to the 120-300mm so you don't have to use Sigma brand ones

Better than I expected with a teleconverter.
Not bad at all.

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