

Hobbyist Birdographer
Mar 20, 2012
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Orange County California
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I rarely post a single image (maybe one other time), but I thought I would post this one. I've not been out as much lately because of stupid video games, and playoff football; aka being lazy. Here is a Cinnamon Teal shot I finally got above the water line and against the background I wanted. C&C welcomed & appreciated.

Cinnamon Teal by JacaRandaPhotography, on Flickr
Great shot.

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Beautiful bird and photograph!
What a gorgeous shot.
Perfect. (What video games? Should I get a player?)

Yes indeed. It would however, cut into wonderful wine tasting trips to Temecula :)
I play on the PS4 and my most recent addiction is called Rainbow 6 Siege - Tom Clancy - Ubisoft. I am a make believe counter terrorist agent.
Perfect. (What video games? Should I get a player?)

Yes indeed. It would however, cut into wonderful wine tasting trips to Temecula :)
I play on the PS4 and my most recent addiction is called Rainbow 6 Siege - Tom Clancy - Ubisoft. I am a make believe counter terrorist agent.
Would acquire another PS4 or go XBox? (I have a Wii, but it's for kids.)

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