SJCAM SJ5000+ Action Camera


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 21, 2016
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Years ago I decided to use Action Cameras to supplement by main camcorders for making videos. The two that I modified were an SJCAM SJ5000+ and a GitUp Git2. Neither was a "4K' camcorder, but both exceeded Full HD (1080p at 30p). The modification was replacing the fisheye lenses with rectilinear lenses. I tested the SJ5000+ recently to see if it was still functioning. It is working well. I set exposure to +0. As I recall, when I was using it before, I generally used +1/3 stop on cloudy days. But of course, exposure depends on the subject matter. As Josh Yoh's video shows, these camcorders are apparently now available supporting 4K for around $200 US. I would expect that some of them should prove good enough for "B-cam" use.

20240709 modified SJCam 5000plus Time ~15:30 Automotive Traffic
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