skating lens help and such

Jus7 A Phas3

TPF Noob!
Sep 26, 2007
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I am not sure weather to get the Nikon D40x or the Nikon D80 but i am really into skateboarding photography and other sports like snowboarding and i have a Nikon AF nikkor 28-80mm that is on my Nikon N70 and with the switch to digatal i was wondering if my current lens can fit on a D40x and or D80. Also i was wondering what lenses would work best for the kind of photography i am into also if the D80 would suite me better also i am on a budget so if you guys could help me out that would be amazing:]

A good start would be the "kit" lens that usually comes packaged with the camera. As far as an additional lens that depends on you personal shooting style and budget if it were me I would think a god one would be the 17-55 2.8 That at least would have been my dream lens back when I used to shoot alot of skateboarding.
i agree with jip.. stick to wideangled lenses. 17-55 f/2.8 is a great lense for skating. its big aperature opening is ideal for low light sessions.

An alternative lense, really cheap and is kit lense for nikons d40/x is the 18-55 f/3.5-5.6. not the best for low light, but on a sunny day works great.

also, another cheap lense $115<<< Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 superwideangled.

^really good for portraits, boarding, scenic..stuff like that.

Your 80mm lense is good for if you want to stand back away from all the action and zoom in a bit to capture it. For skating i wouldnt invest in anything bigger unless you were shooting competitions from the side.

Heres a picture with the 18-55 kit lense. not skate, but same principle.

Thanks guys, is the Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 compatable with both the d40x and the d80?

The only thing is that on the D40, you will have to focus it manually.
Not to disagree, but to call the 50mm a superwideangle? Normal on a full frame, short tele on the D40/D80. To maintain auto-focus with your current lens and all non AF-S lenses, go with the D80. It is a more robust camera with more features and will auto focus all AF lenses Nikon has made. If I were to nit-pick that last statement, except 2 or 3 for the early 1980's F3 AF. These will only work on that camera, and are now very expensive, very rare and very collectible.
Just A Phase... Any lense that has AF-S or AF-I is compatable with the d40/40x and D80. The d40s use a motor inside the camera to focus rather then inside the lense. which means, there isnt a drive. so if the lense you got did not have AF-S or AF-I youd only bable to manual focus.
Just A Phase... Any lense that has AF-S or AF-I is compatable with the d40/40x and D80. The d40s use a motor inside the camera to focus rather then inside the lense. which means, there isnt a drive. so if the lense you got did not have AF-S or AF-I youd only bable to manual focus.

"Strike that; Reverse it."- Willy Wonka.

I think that you mean the D40/x Does not have a built in AF motor, so you must have AF-S/AF-I lenses to auto focus, while the D80 does have a motor, so it can use all AF lenses.:thumbup:
I have heard from reviews that the d40 does better a better job and taking pictures and the d80 doesnt take pictures at high shutter speeds good. Does anyone own these camreas and can help me out please
Just to let you know I shoot this also with that camera.
If you are planning on doing continuous shot with the 2.5 FPS it will not be sufficient. I have tried and it is just too slow.
But still a great camera I love it.=]
Good luck.

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