Skull Photos Please C&C


TPF Noob!
Nov 20, 2008
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St.Peters, Missouri
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
So i choose this for my photo 2 class, and took some photos with my film camera, and decided to also do some with my digital. here are the digital ones.



I know its probably the look you were going for but they are under exposed. I think if the light areas were exposed properly with the dark areas of shadow these would be much better.
Is that CA on the table? It is kinda bugging me.
I like 2 and 4. I think there was room for the whole skull in both pics but still leave the empty space to the right. Thats about as technical as I can get at this point. Do you take classes at UM Rolla? I really like rolla and have considered moving there.
The underexposure was indeed what i was going for. However I may go back in and try to brighten up the front.

@alex- Im gonna sound stupid, but what do you mean by CA?
I like 2 and 4. I think there was room for the whole skull in both pics but still leave the empty space to the right. Thats about as technical as I can get at this point. Do you take classes at UM Rolla? I really like rolla and have considered moving there.

actually i take classes at a community college called Florrisant valley, Really amazing art program there. one of the only 2 year schools acreditted by NASA(National art schools association)
The underexposure was indeed what i was going for. However I may go back in and try to brighten up the front.

@alex- Im gonna sound stupid, but what do you mean by CA?
Chromatic Aberration . Its that redish line that runs across the edge of the table.
The underexposure was indeed what i was going for. However I may go back in and try to brighten up the front.

@alex- Im gonna sound stupid, but what do you mean by CA?

He means Chromatic Abborations. (spelling?) I'm not good enough to spot them but I think I see what he's talking about. I cant explain it but I see it.
chromatic aberration is when the lens slightly focuses different colors of light onto different spots of the sensor. that's why it looks like weird lines of color around things.
I might just be crazy but I think the tripod this was on may have been crooked, the back of the table looks like it tilts up from left to right. Also, I agree with everything said about the exposure and CA
lol, i know exactly what the red line is..... i used the table thing the skull is on, to do duct tape projects... its red duct tape.
^^ :) ha

Now that I look at it again we probably could have guessed it wasn't CA because the red line stops before the end of the frame...

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