Small Waterfall - C&C please


TPF Noob!
Jan 8, 2012
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Columbus, OH
Can others edit my Photos
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Just getting started so looking for any suggestions. I am really looking for advice on what to do differently when actually taking the picture, and not anything that may be achieved via photoshop or the like. I will get to that eventually, but want to be able to start with good pictures first. Thanks so much in advance for any advice.


Sky is way blown out. This needs hdr or shoot it without the sky.

Also an nd filter and long exposure will give you a silk water look
Personally, I like the look of the water. I agree the sky is too bright which is why I like the 2nd shot better. I'm very much an amateur so not much help on how to correct the sky issue except waiting til later in the day. Maybe use a graduated filter? Nice shot, my beginner opinion.
This would probably be nice to shoot in the late spring.. when there is tree cover in the background. Composition on #1 isn't bad.. #2 is not good! As mentioned... sky is toast... either use a GND filter (maybe even a polarizer "CPL"). Or HDR, as mentioned..
Thanks for the feedback.. I noticed the sky too, but didn't know what to do as the waterfall was in the shade with the sun directly behind. I will have to play with some filters to see what they can do. I tried lengthening the exposure as much as I could (I didn't have tripod with me) for the silky water effect, but that obviously doesn't help my sky situation.

@cgipson1 - for the 2nd pic, are you saying compisition not good because the image is too flat (i.e. not enough foreground or background)? Here is the same image cropped tighter on the waterfall to where the right edge of the main fall is at about 1/3 into the pic. Is this any better? Any explanation of why / why not would be much appreciated.

It isn't the crop.. it just has a little tiny patch of sky showing and no foreground. The best way to handle this shot (IMO) would be more like this.....


Close to what you did.. but not quite. Get rid of the rock lower right.. and get rid of as much sky as can here. The V shape of the hills on either side.. you either have to show it, or you don't want to show it at all. There just isn't that much you can do with it. I also did a standard 11x14 crop on it

The first shot has a nice contextual foreground... and the V of the hills leads your eyes to the waterfall.

If you want a horizontal shot.. include the tops of the hills like #1, but go wider, and just past the bottom of the falls.
Both images are upright for me. ???

cgipson1: You don't like the original composition of #2 but you'd crop out the top of the waterfall? I agree the left side with the twiggy branches doesn't help but I do think the contrast of wet/dry rock on the left adds something to it. With the top of the waterfall cut off, it looks like an oops.
Both images are upright for me. ???cgipson1: You don't like the original composition of #2 but you'd crop out the top of the waterfall? I agree the left side with the twiggy branches doesn't help but I do think the contrast of wet/dry rock on the left adds something to it. With the top of the waterfall cut off, it looks like an oops.
Weird!!!! I was wondering why no one brought this up!!! The 1st picture is showing up sideways for me. Weird. Never mind then.
Both images are upright for me. ???

cgipson1: You don't like the original composition of #2 but you'd crop out the top of the waterfall? I agree the left side with the twiggy branches doesn't help but I do think the contrast of wet/dry rock on the left adds something to it. With the top of the waterfall cut off, it looks like an oops.

I agree.. that is why I said that not much could be done with it (as it was shot).... I would not crop off the top of the waterfall... I would include the hills and a wider horizontal expanse for a decent Horizontal shot.....
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As the above mentioned, HDR will help most definitely. Adding on a CPL and GND will help even more.

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