Smith & Wesson Model 52-1

Pictures only no talk,see above post 20 from amolitor.
I think what he was getting at was to just talk about the pictures, not that you have to only post pictures. When the discussion starts to get into gun laws and such, the thread will be locked (eventually).

Basically, as long as we're only talking about the pictures and not what is in them, things have a chance of staying civil (yes, it is exactly as ridiculous as it sounds). When you take it into discussing the actual content of the photos, it's only a matter of time until someone has a problem with it and the thread gets locked. Not really so different than any other thread - as soon as people start arguing, it's only a matter of time till it's locked.

IMO, there are too many subjects that nearly always end in a lock here, but that's just how it is... Once someone gets offended, it's over.

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