Smith & Wesson Model 52-1

This is my newest family member.Fits in the front pocket like a wallet.;) Ok no more of mine after this.


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This is my newest family member.Fits in the front pocket like a wallet.;) Ok no more of mine after this.

do you carry a gun with you when u go out most of the time? I just find it curious since this is the "just for fun" section, what ppl find fun. :mrgreen:

(That's a nice looking gun too...congrats :') )
I have a smith & wesson bodyguard 380 and i carry it pretty much all the time when im not on shift. Its a great pocket gun.
Just a reminder to the newer members, photos are fine but please keep talk to pictures and not guns per se. This is a hot button topic that can get messy very fast, and it is therefore off-limits. Use judgement, and respect that others may disagree with you - and so you should be aware of statements that might be provoking, and avoid them (except for photographic issues, of course!)

Or words to that effect. I ain't no mod, but that seems to be about the policy.
Ok no more of mine after this.

Haha - I don't mind. This would probably all get too morbid if it was all about this gun and how I got it.


Funny how so many guns come from Massachusetts, when they have some of the most restrictive gun laws... But let's not get into that too much.
I just find it curious since this is the "just for fun" section, what ppl find fun. :mrgreen:

To be fair, I only put it in the just for fun section because originally it was just a crappy cell phone pic. I didn't want people telling me how the focus was off or the processing sucked, lol.
This is my newest family member.Fits in the front pocket like a wallet.;) Ok no more of mine after this.

do you carry a gun with you when u go out most of the time? I just find it curious since this is the "just for fun" section, what ppl find fun. :mrgreen:
I do just not where its not permitted like on school grounds not even in the car is it allowed or federal buildings or where signs are posted. I never carry If I plain on having a few drinks.
Just a reminder to the newer members, photos are fine but please keep talk to pictures and not guns per se. This is a hot button topic that can get messy very fast, and it is therefore off-limits. Use judgement, and respect that others may disagree with you - and so you should be aware of statements that might be provoking, and avoid them (except for photographic issues, of course!)

Or words to that effect. I ain't no mod, but that seems to be about the policy.

That makes sense ...agreed

I just find it curious since this is the "just for fun" section, what ppl find fun. :mrgreen:

To be fair, I only put it in the just for fun section because originally it was just a crappy cell phone pic. I didn't want people telling me how the focus was off or the processing sucked, lol.

Lol ok :mrgreen:
Just a reminder to the newer members, photos are fine but please keep talk to pictures and not guns per se. This is a hot button topic that can get messy very fast, and it is therefore off-limits. Use judgement, and respect that others may disagree with you - and so you should be aware of statements that might be provoking, and avoid them (except for photographic issues, of course!)

Or words to that effect. I ain't no mod, but that seems to be about the policy.
Your right, good points.
I have a smith & wesson bodyguard 380 and i carry it pretty much all the time when im not on shift. Its a great pocket gun.
Well then.:addpics: Body guard is a nice picture.:lol:
This is my newest family member.Fits in the front pocket like a wallet.;) Ok no more of mine after this.

do you carry a gun with you when u go out most of the time? I just find it curious since this is the "just for fun" section, what ppl find fun. :mrgreen:
I do just not where its not permitted like on school grounds not even in the car is it allowed or federal buildings or where signs are posted. I never carry If I plain on having a few drinks.

Let me say, no judgement ...I was merely curious. I had an uncle who collected old guns and pistols...I don't think he ever shot a one of them lol
Nice piece ,Im a collector of Pistols & Rifles .That is sho nuf a excellent piece and does shoot very well.
Enjoy the weapon .
What i wouldnt do to get a gun of that status to ad to my collection.
Keep it in the family for a long time .Its a real nice piece and from your grandpa.
I collect them more then anything else.My Plastic indestructible from Austria on the left and my Charter Arms made right here in my state on the right.


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I tote a pistol everyday .I dont leave home without it .My wife even has 1 in her purse.I grew up with carrying pistols .legally of course.
Heck here in kennesaw ga .You cant live in the community unless you own a weapon .There are a few cowboys that ride horses there also ,everyday .Course there is never a murder or robbery in Kennesaw Ga

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