So you've decided to spam TPF? Click here, first!


Flirtacious and Bodacious
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
North Central Illinois
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
So you've decided to spam The Photo Forum? First of all, congratulations on your decision!

Read on to see what awaits the next SORRY BASTARD THAT DECIDES TO SPAM MY FORUM!

First, I will use a railroad spike, shown below, to nail you by your ding-dong to the nearest tree.


(photo courtesy of google image search)

...and I will be very choosy in my choice of spike...I will not rest until I find the dullest, rustiest one.

Next, I will.....

....well, there's really no need to go on, since the railroad spike will be enough to satisfy me. For now.

Stupid spammers. Give it a rest already.
Amen to that! Speaking of spammers, would you be interested in a brand new top of the line product survey? This product will guarantee satisfaction...
Are you sure this is the right way Corry? Violence never solved anything. They are surely just another misunderstood minority that needs to be loved - maybe a group therapy session with a councellor would be a better approach.

Actually I think nailing to a tree maybe too good for them....
Are you sure this is the right way Corry? Violence never solved anything. They are surely just another misunderstood minority that needs to be loved - maybe a group therapy session with a councellor would be a better approach.

Actually I think nailing to a tree maybe too good for them....

Spikes, Chris. Rusty spikes. It's the only way.
How am I gonna reach 10,000 posts now if I can't SPAM my way there???
Corry, what ever happened to the Corry's joke of the day thread? Seems that one was well on it's way to spam a million posts.

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