[solved] cleaning kit for APS-C


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Oct 29, 2020
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Central Bohemian, Czech Republic
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would be somebody so kind and recommend for me (ofc based on his/her experience) a cleaning kit for DSLR APS-C camera ?? (I have nikon D7200 and I've never cleaned sensor for myself so I have literally "zero" experience with this and also with related equipment) ..

I wanted to order on Amazon a Dust Patrol kit but after some investigation I've found a relatively lot of ppl saying that's rubbish and that there are just better brands and kits ..

also I am even not 100% sure what all should a "proper" kit contain, if I understand that correctly:

* air blower \w filter
* extra soft nylon brush that can be charged with blower (please correct me if this is some nonsense)
* cleaning swabs for my sensor (17mm) + liquid cleaner
* magnifying glass similar like this

above items should be fine .. I will ask Santa if he can bring dat for me :)P) so best would be really just some all-in-one kit that I can order on internet (I am EU based) .. (edit: that Santa can order on internet)

thanks much and regards,

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A blower is a good start, but I have one of the kits from Photographic Solutions for the stubborn spots.

Lighted magnifier, swabs and the liquid (just use a drop).
If you have never cleaned your lenses before I would say that do not do it on your own for the first time. Visit a professional and watch how he or she does it and take notes. Once I ruined my lenses by pouring to much liquid. You should never experiment with your own device as you may ruin it. So learn how to clean your gadget first by someone experienced and then do it.
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If you have never cleaned your lenses before I would say that do not do it on your own for the first time. Visit a professional and watch how he or she does it and take notes. Once I ruined my lenses by pouring to much liquid. You should never experiment with your own device as you may ruin it. So learn how to clean your gadget first by someone experienced and then do it.

I've seen several videos .. they are selfexplanatory ....

cleaning lenses is not issue, I do it with lenspen, did it a lot of times, I am not using liquid for lenses ..
cleaning sensor is just another story, I never did it yet, it's the topic of this thread .. I always paid for cleaning sensor, it's $20 here .. I will ask Santa to gimme a kit for cleaning sensor and I will be doing that for myself ... Ofc that I will do first cleaning with somebody that will babysit me (I have at least two close friends that are pro photographers so they will look after me)

thanks for your input
Please don't laugh but I was in a bind in a remote place and the little blower I had was not working. It was an older camera so I took the car inflater I have and the attachment that focuses the air flow to a point and used that. The force was much greater and it worked great. I probably won't do it again and certainly not on one of the good cameras but honestly, if I can clean a sensor without touching it I would lean towards that solution. But, sometimes a wet cleaning is the only option.
Please don't laugh but I was in a bind in a remote place and the little blower I had was not working. It was an older camera so I took the car inflater I have and the attachment that focuses the air flow to a point and used that. The force was much greater and it worked great. I probably won't do it again and certainly not on one of the good cameras but honestly, if I can clean a sensor without touching it I would lean towards that solution. But, sometimes a wet cleaning is the only option.


yeah, sure .. there are (theoretically) actually 3 stages that could be done, ofc stopping at that stage which actually will do a job:

1) air blower stage, it's always the first, if it doesn't help, then ...
2) dry cleaning stage with charged brush (see above my opening comment) - I'll be actually skipping this stage entirely, see first reply into this thread
3) wet cleaning stage with swabs and liquid ..

ofc in my case if stage #1 will do a job, I won't need to do a stage #3 (#2 is set to be skipped in my case)

thanks for tips, following set is ordered, I believe it will be great:

magnifier, air blower (however no idea why it has an "islamic" in name .. I don't worry .. I'm fine \w that ..) and wet cleaning ...

not sure about house rules in here, I am new to forum, should I somehow mark the thread solved ? (question is rhetoric because I did :P)

thanks and regards, dan

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