Some Barns and Silos


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Jan 23, 2019
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I mentioned in a different thread my daughter and I had done a local drive-around one day looking for interesting barns and silos. Here are a few shots.

Barn 1 by telecast, on Flickr

This is more about the silo. It was interesting in that the wood roof and covered entry are still there, fairly uncommon for this style.
Silo 18 by telecast, on Flickr

My favorite shot of the day. The barn on the right side and the silo are completely covered in vines. The bare tree just ads to it. I want to return now that there's snow on the ground and get another shot, maybe include more of the barn? Not sure.
Silo 16 by telecast, on Flickr

Last one so I don't overstay my welcome. We found this interesting due the construction materials. When the glaciers receded after forming Michigan and the Great Lakes, they left a lot of stones and rocks behind. Plowing the fields exposed them, and the farmer's would remove the from the field. There are hundreds and hundreds of homes around here built of fieldstone, but this is the first silo I've ever seen. It makes sense, not only did it get them out of the farmer's way, but it was free! I liked the homemade trailer from an old pickup truck bed and the gnarly tree in the foreground.
Silo 9 by telecast, on Flickr
These are really nice. I love the subjects and you did a fine job.

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