some new bromoils, with colored inks


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Sep 2, 2003
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I've been experimenting with colored inks on my bromoil prints over the last few days. Not sure everything I've done works, but I have had fun doing it.

This is an image I've posted before, when I was playing with toners. I thought it would make a decent bromoil. This is from an HIE negative:

The base ink coat is brown, followed by some blue in the sky and a touch of red worked in.

Footsteps in the sand:


Another HIE negative, I think from the same roll. Again the base inking was done in brown, followed by a layer of blue, which made for an interesting color combo.

Florida tree:


This was shot with Ilford FP4. Brown base with a little blue inked around the corners.

Kennesaw Mountain:


Thanks for looking! :D
Nice stuff, Terri. I like the cannon best, and the beach next. Charlie's gonna love these, I'm sure!
Thanks, guys! :)

I think I was drawn to trying bromoils because it is such a retro look - very Pictorial. Some of them definitely have it more than others. Some of them I've seen look more Impressionistic to me. Depends on the selected image, I guess.

I don't mind if you copy the look, Charlie. Have at it!
Thank you, Jeff! :)

Charlie: the dark edges are sort of a classic bromoil touch. I don't do it all the time (in the second one for instance). The top one I did it rather heavily to create a "pool of light" in the center and, in the case of the cannon image, I thought the blue would be more interesting.

I have more that have been drying, so consider yourselves warned. :mrgreen:
mysteryscribe said:
I like the way they look and that's what is important it's the finished image for me. And no matter what you did inbetween they look spectacular.
I did a lot of yelling in between, actually. Things like: "Why isn't this working?!" and "This looks like crap!!" to name but a few. :lol:
you must have been standing in my lab today. I have had a pinhole camera I can not get a light leak out of. I decided that since it is an oddball format it is gone anyway. I'll save the frame in case I decide to go with a more simple format. Actually I want to build a 5x7 camera with a glass lens.

So if you were around my place you would have heard words you never knew existed. That was my point.

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