Some thoughts? (one photo) CC


TPF Noob!
Jan 30, 2008
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Can others edit my Photos
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thank you for looking :)
Poor exposure, poor composition.
looks like a nuke went off again. not one of your better ones.
I think this one may be need to be a reshoot. Looking at the image, I have the feeling that you had a particular objective in mind, but without knowing what that may have been, it's hard to offer really useful critique.
You should probably go to a photoshop forum instead of a photography forum. You're not going to get good reviews here by posting this kind of stuff.
oh so sorry for paying this forum money and thinking that I should try around and achieve some use of my imagination. oh and FYI I am not the first person ever to use a texture and that's all it is.
I know you were totally going for the look of pictorial photography artists of the 1920's. And in that, you were quite successful.
I'll try to critique.

It's a bit dark, all over. That doesn't make it bad, but it's the first thing I notice. I also think the contrast is a bit high, there is some 'posterization' here and there.

The eye is a black spot. Kind of looks lifeless in a way, would be much better to have some kind of reflection and more detail in the eye.

As far as the texture, I'm not sure if it's adding anything to the photo. If you take a picture of a rock band, and you put some gritty texture over it, it fits the theme. I don't know if the texture you used here fits in this case.

Hope that helps, I know you must get tired of the bashing but at least you know to expect it by now.
too dark for me to really get a good look. the composition seems fine. I like the angle and the ball placement.

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