Sony A33 SLT?


TPF Noob!
May 27, 2009
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What is everyone's opinion on the new-ish a33?

I personally am a fan and think I'm going to buy one. I know a lot of people are skeptical of how it works, but I like a machine with as few moving parts as possible (engineering school taught me that, lol).
It's an awesome camera for the price, and the IQ is pretty good to with the right lenses. The things that are a little funky with it is the sensors heating up doing video, the delay between what's actually happening and what you see in the EVF, and the slight ghosting or double image with really bright areas, but that's a product of using the pellicle mirror, the Nikons and Canons from the 80's that had pellicle mirrors did the same thing. i'd say 95% of the time you'd never see it, but if you're doing something like night photography, i bet you'd have twice as many stars because of the reflections 0_0

Great camera for point and shoot, and if i start doing more weddings/events I might get one for receptions because the swivel screen and instant AF in live view would be perfect for free shooting above your head. With the Nikon, it's "put the wide on, auto area AF, and hope for the best"
What is everyone's opinion on the new-ish a33?

I personally am a fan and think I'm going to buy one. I know a lot of people are skeptical of how it works, but I like a machine with as few moving parts as possible (engineering school taught me that, lol).

If you can afford the A55 Id do it. Much better performance on all levels.

The A55, Nikon D7000, Sony A580, and Pentax K5 all share the same basic sensor. The highest ever rated DXO sensors for APC-S cameras

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