

TPF Noob!
Mar 30, 2007
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Jewel :D
Nice pic :) I think though (in my opinion) it might be better if round the the top of her head and the edges of her body at the top weren't so over exposed(blown out?) - sorta doesnt seem to be a definate line to them if you know what i mean?
I can see where Miaow is coming from with the overexposure, but I'm gonna have to disagree. I mean, the overexposure is there, but I think it works to the shot's advantage. I like that the subject is melting into the background, I feel that it gives a very heavenly touch to the shot, something otherworldly. Nice shot.
Hey Jewel, good to see you posting!

Miaow has a point...a more definite outline of the mourning statue might give it more punch.

It's a really beautiful statue. Was this in Toronto, or closer to home?
I think the overexposure is a perfect mistake for this image. It looks very peaceful and angelic, very nice. I like how the shoulders kinda disappear. It makes a very rigid subject seem soft and touchable. I mean, it almost looks like a real person.
It always amazes me how so many people have a different view on an image, everyone sees it so differently. It's wonderful, thanks for all the comments everyone. Greatly appreciated. :D

Jeannie, it was in Toronto, I believe it was Mount Hope but, would have to double check with Carl. I get them all confused,lol:confused:


Yeah, probably Mount Hope. Not too many cems have those elaborate statues, and it's one of Carl's favourite 'haunts'.
You guys are making me homesick... I'm originally from Hamilton. ;)

Guess I should comment on the photo LOL. I really like the shot and the way the overexposure enhances the "Sorrow" that you are trying to capture... as someone already said it makes the statue seem like a real person... as a matter of fact I thought it was a real person at first! :oops:


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