Sorry LaFoto, they are not redy yet


TPF junkie!
May 10, 2007
Reaction score
Slapamonkey, New York
Can others edit my Photos
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Battou, you got kitten, too?
Photos! Photos! Photos!

They are too young at the moment, I have a couple but they suck but I will get some before long.

They are not adorable yet, These are the couple I mentioned but at their age it can be a little tough to get mommy away long enough to get anything good :mrgreen:


Awwww! Just a handful of cat! So cute!!!
They are tiny when they are born. Not that I'd have first-hand experience, I've only seen it on TV. Ever...

When were these born?
Awwww! Just a handful of cat! So cute!!!
They are tiny when they are born. Not that I'd have first-hand experience, I've only seen it on TV. Ever...

When were these born?

I have tons of experiance with it, lol. I remember when their mother was born, She was born in the living room right next to me, literally, I realized it when I reached down to pet her mother and got something wet and gooie.

She has been made a grand mother a few times over alredy and a great grandmother at least once on top of all her own litters. It's gotten to the point we don't know who is sibling and who is aunt/uncle anymore.

They are getting close to a week or two, I can't remember exactly when, they are just starting to open their eyes, so it won't be long before they are running around cauzin trouble. :mrgreen:
I really like the second one ^^ cats are really cute when they are awake but they are even cuter when they are sleeping especially when they are uh cuddled up like that :D

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