South Dakota State Capitol


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Feb 20, 2017
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Orland Park, IL
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This was my second visit to the South Dakota State Capitol in Pierre. I visited 8 years ago (July, 2013). This time, photography was a bit more challenging in this building. I'll explain that in the captions.

1- I was unable to photograph the rotunda when I first entered the building. There was a ceremony being held on the floor under the dome with about 75 people in attendance. The South Dakota Supreme Court justice was speaking to a group of new attorneys. So, I came back the next day to get this picture--but not before having to move 75 chairs or so!

2- Even this shot was a challenge as there was a bright blue truck parked in front of the building for hours. I cropped this just tight enough so that the truck was just to left of the frame. I also took four or five exposures so that I could focus stack this later (as the lens was super close to the monument)...but it took just one shot to get everything in focus with the focal length and aperture combination.

3- All the rotunda images were rushed as I was laying on the floor when the crowd started to arrive for the reception. The group was very nice about it...they stepped around me and were apologetic about interrupting me. But, shortly thereafter I had to move.

4- Supreme Court

5- Grand Staircase

6- Senate Chamber

7- And this is the House chamber...there was a representative on the floor. He was kind enough to see that I was shooting and picked up some of his papers and left the scene for a short while.

8- Inner dome from the rotunda floor...these are far easier today with the rear LCD screens!

9- I stayed within minutes of the building, so it was easy to return for some pictures just before sunset.

10- Another inner dome image

It was tough to get images of corridors. Tables, chairs and boxes were lined up down the halls...often times, the lights weren't on. State capitols can be challenging to photograph.

Thanks for looking...
Wow, just WOW! Such clear and precise imagery. You are truly a master with that tool.
Very precise. The care in capture really shows. Do you bring a measuring tape to position the camera so carefully? The precision becomes art.
Just amazing! Excellent work. I don't think you'll get any better, you might as well just give me all your gear. :distant:
A really good set.....
Thanks Jeff
Very precise. The care in capture really shows. Do you bring a measuring tape to position the camera so carefully? The precision becomes art.
Thank you…I try to compose carefully with symmetrical photos. Sometimes it’s impossible as the room isn’t always set up symmetrically in the first place.

That's a wonderful set! Around here, if I laid on the floor, they would have stepped on me or wiped their feet; there is something to be said about the less populous states...
That's a wonderful set! Around here, if I laid on the floor, they would have stepped on me or wiped their feet; there is something to be said about the less populous states...

They were very courteous in South Dakota!

I do not know which one I like best...they all blew me away...just WOW!!! AWESOME WORK!
I love your architectural photos, Glenn, and these shots are no exceptions. Something about #9 really strikes a chord for me, but all are wonderful.
I do not know which one I like best...they all blew me away...just WOW!!! AWESOME WORK!
Thanks so much!
I love your architectural photos, Glenn, and these shots are no exceptions. Something about #9 really strikes a chord for me, but all are wonderful.
Thank you!

Beautiful set.

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