"Spherical Earth..."


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Aug 2, 2015
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ISO 100
1/100 Sec.
20 mm - f/1.8 G

(Processed In LR, Analog Efex Pro 2, & Silver Efex Pro 2.)


(Processed In LR, Analog Efex Pro 2, & Silver Efex Pro 2.)

Thanks For Looking Any Comments/Criticism Will Be Appreciated.

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Pretty cool, but might benefit from a little cropping off the top.
Mostly good, with possible minor quibbles regarding cropping or centering of the Earth sculpture. DRAMATIC B&W conversion though, really dramatic!
I guess I could of cropped a little of the top, I just didn't think of it - thank you both for your input!


Contrast is good and well shot. The problem with a crop off the top is more than likely you will get closer to a square format which isn't really conducive to printing. You filled the frame up with the globe leaving no real room for error or cropping. Fortunately most crops will chop off the long side so if you went to an 11X14 format it would drop the amount of the sky at the top but you won't be able to reduce it much beyond that without going to a square format. I think it is a well done shot, it just is going to have space in a rectangular format and there is little that can be done.
Nice pic! If you use a custom crop to take just a little off the top it will still be in a rectangular format. No reason to use the crop "presets". If you print, mat & frame no one would even give it a thought.

BTW- it's amazing how the barrel distortion of a short lense and atmospheric distortion make the earth appear as if it's really round! LOL! Ooops, I'm being a jerk again. Sorry.


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