Stephen Colbert


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 20, 2008
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End of the line
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Jumped the shark. I'm tired of him, have been for a while. The shtick is old.
Jumped the shark. I'm tired of him, have been for a while. The shtick is old.
I got tired of him pretty much during his first season. Every once in a while he does something laugh worthy, usually something I catch on YouTube. But as for Tivo'ing his show? Nah, too boring and predictable.
I still watch the "Daily Show", but yeah I agree, kind of tired of The Colbert Show.

Demetri Martin's show has promise. I'll give it a few more tries.
I've never watched him regularly, because I don't have comedy central, but I still love him.

And as for the comment about Demetri Martin . . . the man is a genius. I wish I could see his show.
He gets me Youtube hits. :thumbup: Been Aired twice.

Too bad he did not promote the last 'challenge' as the real news was too interesting at the time. You can see the difference in my stats. :lol:

I cant really stand any of those shows. Its All about Fuel tv!
Steven Colbert is effing genius. Same with John Stewart.

You people are nuts.

On fake Obama Coins: "You have to give these guys credit, they were literally selling change you have to believe in".


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