Storage software


TPF Noob!
Dec 24, 2007
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Other than just having regular folders with your pics in them, do you guys use any sort of software to manage all of your pics? Not to edit, just to make it easier to store them.
I think a good strategy is better than any software that I've seen. Store your images in folders based on date (or whatever) and have a back-up routine so that you don't loose your images if you have a HD failure.

There are several options for indexing and sorting through your images. Picasa is a popular choice because it's a free download.
I think a good strategy is better than any software that I've seen. Store your images in folders based on date (or whatever) and have a back-up routine so that you don't loose your images if you have a HD failure.

There are several options for indexing and sorting through your images. Picasa is a popular choice because it's a free download.

That's exactly what I do, just store them in normal folders, then have a folder in that folder that has the same images resized smaller so I can e-mail them or put them on the web if need be.

I'm asking for my aunt who is all about "user friendliness" lol....
I save in folders by date shot and write on a large desk calender what I shot and where. It's simple and works for me.
Picasa!!! I love this free prog! It automatically loads your images in it and you can drag and drop all your pics where you want and do great PP in seconds!
I use Elements to view, edit etc ... this is one copy that I have on HD.

I immediately burn a DVD or CD when I transfer from card to computer.

I upload a copy to - they allow me unlimited d/l (they say), and I believe they will allow me u/l photo when I need them back - I hope. I am SO DEAD if they do not and something happens to my PC + DVD/CD.

I also upload a copy to - I use them to print, but do not believe they will let me d/l my photos if I need them back in their original format.

Recently, I also bought a Seagate 750gig external USB drive (you can get these for less then $200). It comes with software that allow you to schedule backups.

Yeah. I'm paranoid - have had too many HDs just quit to take chance that I will lose photo.
I personally use Adobe's Lightroom to organize my photo's. It works better then any other program I have used before.

I sort my photo's by what they are not the dates. Ex: Moon, River, Misc, etc (but more detailed then this). It does all this on an external drive that I change between my laptop and home computer, to keep all my photo's in sync between both computers. I use one of my empty 500gb HD's in my home computer to backup the info off of the external drive in case it fails.

I have thought about burning cd/dvd backups but I just don't want to burn/organize the dics' since I'm limited on shelf space.
Yeah. I'm paranoid - have had too many HDs just quit to take chance that I will lose photo.
Thats not being paranoid! Thats being smart! I had 2 HD on 2 different computers in my house go out within 2 weeks of each other! They were both 10 years old and were bought on the same day but who would have thought they would have the exact same life expectancy! I have double backups on all my cpu's one on a master drive and one on a external drive in the safe(you never know when you'll have a fire.)
I download everything using Adobe Lightroom, which sorts it by date, location and other keywords that I specify. Then everything is backed up to an external drive which is backed up to a large data server.

1) I am a geek.
2) I have had complete data loss, never again!
I store copies on my computer's HD and auto-backup to my external. I also use Cobian Backup to auto-backup to a server via ftp.

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