

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Dec 28, 2011
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I really love the 'smoothness' of the strokes. They are very swift and elegant. And they have a wonderful composition leading to the drain. There is a really good story here
I really love the 'smoothness' of the strokes. They are very swift and elegant. And they have a wonderful composition leading to the drain. There is a really good story here

I was really worried that they looked to out of focus from the streaking.
Rats. I was expecting streaking which was popular when I was in the 6th grade. Hippy school. Fun times.

Well, I hate to encourage tissue loss, but I like this photo. It's rather strong imagery. It looks like a big floppy flower with bright red petals. She/He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not. He... Oh screw it, he's an a$$hat!
Looks a little anemic. :meh: I recommend a fat steak and some fresh spinach. (great - now I'm hungry..)
Yeap, it be my inner metals leaking there. :) Love me some blood every now and then.
Sometimes when I pee it's bloody...

:lol: That was a joke, sometimes I bleed from my nose, sometimes my leg. Really, the best answer to that question would be that I bleed from my body!

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