Street Art, Giant Indians, and Drug Free


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 27, 2011
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St. Louis
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The Cherokee Business District is an multi-block area in St. Louis some distance from me. I drive past once/twice a year or less but always tell myself when I do I need to stop and take some snaps. Yesterday I finally parked the car for a few minutes and did that.

This mural was painted in 2014 by Faring Purth. It was rather controversial at first but I think the neighborhood is pleased to have it now. The shop in the bldg. directly around the corner from the mural is a Family Dollar and they were having breast fits while it was being painted.


In honor of the district's name (Cherokee) they put up a sculpture in 1984 of Sequoya -- at the time part of an inner-city revitalization effort. Sequoya stands on the corner that is the entrance to the district. Howgh!


I was quite amused to see the city put up a Drug Free School Zone sign on the lamppost in front of the smoke shop. Nice Guys don't smoke weed around children.


Looks like a great area to wander around in. Love that mural! No wonder you're drawn to it - I would be, too!
Looks like a great area to wander around in. Love that mural! No wonder you're drawn to it - I would be, too!

Yeah, the mural is striking. This is a case where a photo can't do it justice. Then there's the irony and what not of pulling into a Family Dollar parking lot in a depressed neighborhood to see it. It belongs in a gallery, but that's one of the reasons I especially love art like this -- it's not in a gallery.

Awesome shots, number one is big.
Awesome shots, number one is big.

Yeah, #1 looks like a massive mural, judging by the cars as comparatie scale. Looks like a very interesting neighborhood, very photogenic. But then there's that 'depressed neighborhood' aspect too. Kinda' sad what's happened to so many of our cities and towns.
Awesome shots, number one is big.

Thanks, the mural is awesome. Credit goes to the artist: Faring Purth

Awesome shots, number one is big.

Yeah, #1 looks like a massive mural, judging by the cars as comparatie scale. Looks like a very interesting neighborhood, very photogenic. But then there's that 'depressed neighborhood' aspect too. Kinda' sad what's happened to so many of our cities and towns.

The area is very depressed and I have to admit to wrapping the wrist strap of my camera extra tight as I walked around. Some recent hope is a bohemian arts presence along with Latin-American immigration, but the housing stock surrounding the commercial street is dilapidated and much of it vacant. That's the key. Without solving that nothing gets better.


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