Street scene (Istanbul)


Supporting Member
Apr 1, 2004
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Please comment on wether this picture needs tighter cropping...or any other comments/criticism. Thanks!
I like the crop, the open wall above the door works for me. If anything, I'd like to see more space on the right and less on the left. I usually like the subject to be looking into the frame rather than looking out of it...if you know what I mean.

Overall this has a nice composition.
Yeah. What Mike said. If there were a little more image on the right it would be a bit improvement, though subtle. As it is, I'd crop out the space above the door.

Really nice image, regardless!
If you feel like cropping, Tuna (welcome, by the way :D), crop the upper wall till the door stones (how would those be called?)

Just another comment on the theme of this photo, combined with a question, really:
Whenever I am abroad and see scenes like this one, i.e. scenes with local people who by whichever reason are very typical or interesting (old, wearing local clothes, representing a great feel of the place), I, myself, tend to become EXTREMELY inhibited in taking their photo.
Often, while I was in South Spain, I would see something most appealing to the eye - however with people involved - and I would just store it away in my memory, not on film.

Don't you feel that taking their photo is an intrusion in people's privacy?
I have a huge personal issue with infringement of personal rights here.
Do I need to feel like this?
What do you say?
(Actually this question belongs elsewhere...i.e. in another section of this board.)
Here is the crop,
and, yes, it looks much better. Thanks for your suggestions.

LaFoto, in response to your comments on feeling inhibited when taking photos of people in public, I have similar feelings. I also agree that it may be an invasion of their privacy. First, unless the subject is openly willing to have a picture taken, I ask permission. Even if I don't speak the language, my intentions (with camera in hand) are easily understood. I've read that paying or "tipping" for the photo may be appropriate in some countries. Second, when asking permission may ruin the feel of the photo, using a small, quiet camera for street photography (I use a Leica IIIc and a Contax T2) and not making it obvious that I am taking the photo seems to do the trick. In those cases, I may often miss the shot but so be it. If someone is obviously uncomfortable about having their picture taken, I will immediately back off. I guess I don't have that aggressive paparazzi blood in me...
(as i can see , i'm a bit late here...-;( ) -;))) :D
...i wouldn't crop it at all...but, just like Mike said - i'd like to see more space on the right. Than, left s will be ok with me. :) :)

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