String Waves

Big Wallaby

TPF Noob!
Dec 19, 2007
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Lake Buena Vista, FL
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Yesterday I got this new decorative toy thingie that suspends a long string between two poles, then spins it with LED lights underneath shining on the string.

Please note, the pictures you will see are my first attempt, and in the order in which I took them. I put them here because they are just a beginning, not what I want them to look like, I wasn't using a tripod this time. Soon, though, I'll get something really cool...






This stuff trips me out. Well done.

I know it's just a toy but being a vibrating string it helps me to visualize string and superstring theory and 11th dimensional constructs. Purdy wierd.
Awesome stuff!

abraxas: I agree, it does help to put a picture to the theory.
Awesome stuff!

abraxas: I agree, it does help to put a picture to the theory.

I'm just catching on to this stuff. I 'think' I can see how a cross section of the string could create a particle that could (appear to) be in two places at once?- Does that make sense? I'm so old.
Yes it does. It is funny because I actually like to study this kind of stuff in my spare time. I am a huge geek, and if it wasn't for the math, I would totally get a degree in it!
Yes it does. It is funny because I actually like to study this kind of stuff in my spare time. I am a huge geek, and if it wasn't for the math, I would totally get a degree in it!

Pretty much the same here. I like it to put me asleep though. So I read some and hurry and go lay down. :)

I also use it to lecture my wife and put her down. Then I try to give her a post-hypnotic suggestion to make me pancakes. Never works but I like messing with her head.

Sorry, too much high-jacking. Maybe should start a thread in off topic?

Looking forward to seeing these type of shots developed.


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