Striped In Natural Light


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Jan 2, 2007
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Cali, Colombia
Can others edit my Photos
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Oh my

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It's good photo, but would like it more if she had a little more light on her face. :)
Agreed. I was afraid of over exposing the white dress.
The black values in her hair are just crushed...this is soooo high in just looks very artificially contrasty.
I don't care about the exposure or the contrast, I'm in love! (Again) ;)
yeah beautiful model. but the hair could use a bit of light... try adding a reflector to the side of her they're super cheap on Amazon
As I said I completely agree that the head and hair need more exposure/light. As to being "high contrast/artificially contrasty" could be but the photo is pretty much straight out of the camera. I cleaned up her face, took out a wrinkle in her dress and added very light sharpening. That's about it. No contrast added. The lens, a Sony Zeiss is so sharp that I probably didn't need to add any sharpening at all. Perhaps at some point I will get myself some "studio gear" but for now I'm just a "snapshooter" and enjoy sharing. Thank you all for the helpful input.
Perhaps at some point I will get myself some "studio gear" but for now I'm just a "snapshooter" and enjoy sharing. Thank you all for the helpful input.

well even as a "snapshooter" you should still invest in a reflector board....I paid 6$ on Amazon, and it has a whooping 6 colors and is 48"
Try adjusting the highlights and shadows in Lightroom. I would like to see the rest of the shots. A reflector to fill would have helped. The pose and the hands look a little uncomfortable. Not relaxed.
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Try shooting with a reflector next time. Also, I would photoshop her waist, she's a very beautiful girl with a terrific body but her pose created a bulge (Not sure if it's the right term).

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