Stripped Shutter Button Threads!


TPF Noob!
Dec 4, 2010
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Moorhead, MN
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Hello, I'm new to this forum. I've been doing some amateur photography for a few years now and really got into it.

I was out tonight after a fresh snow fall shooting with a 35mm film camera and I screwed in my new shutter release cable to do some long exposure shots. It worked the first few times perfectly, but then when I pressed the cable again, I didn't hear a click! I looked up at the shutter button and the cable fell out! I made sure that when I screwed the cable in that I didn't do it to hard, to loose, or thread it wrong. I took the camera back inside and noticed the threads on the button are stripped! This is really disappointing for using the new cable for the first time! The camera is a Vivitar V4000s.

I was wondering if anyone has any idea as to what I could do? Can I replace the button with a metal one? Or just get a new one?
I remeber a long time ago I saw a repair insert that has new trhreads inside, it force fits in the oversized stripped hole.

Otherwise you'd have to change the button.
Thank you for the reply!

Do you know where I could get a new button? Are they standardized parts? I tried eBay for Vivitar parts with no luck. Google just floods me with results. I'm thinking just taking it to a repair shop and see what they say. It would be cool if it could be replaced with a metal button. If it costs to much, or can't be done, I'm thinking of getting a K1000 on eBay to do night shots, maybe, I don't know yet.
The button is camera specific and replacement is the best way to go.

I was asking some of my repair friends and they say the inserts disappeared long ago and no one can seem to find em anymore. It may be that they were too good or the company tha made em went out of business since this isn't in high demand till you need one.

We did come to a solution other than replacing the button, wind a piece of thin string plumbers use called wicking on the tip of the cable threads. That should strengthen the grip of the threads and is a temp fix that may be enough to get you a few more frames.

Try e-mailing Viviar to see if they have the button?


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