...welcome to the *fun* world of studio photography!
There is a bewildering selection of books to choose from and i presume by "studio lighting secrets" you refer to actual lighting set ups for achieving various results. Yes?
I can't recommend any books of that genre - but hopefully someone will be along soon who can
However, the "secret" (if there is one) of successful studio work is to understand
lighting ratios
In simple language: how to meter the individual lights, and/plus their accumulated output, so as to correctly expose your setting
Although technical and somewhat complicated, a proficient studio shooter will have mastered this; it is
most important if one wishes to control results
Studio work is heaps(!) of fun - but also very challenging because the final outcome is always a reflection (x'cuse the pun) of one's understanding of those principals and their application
lighting ratios - and your work will only be limited by your imagination...
Have fun!
P.S. i love your quote from EISENSTAEDT