Stupid question, I'm having a brain fart.


TPF Noob!
Jan 5, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
On another forum I am on I have a photo for my avatar. I decided to switch it and deleted the old one. Now the new one has to be under 10k in size. I can't for the life of me remember how I got the last one that small. I have the photo resizer on my machine (windows 7) but even on the lowest setting it is like 30k. Picasa is the only editing software I have but I don't see anywhere to resize photos on there. What is the easiest way to get the photo down to 10k.
crop, change quality, eat the guts of a dead rat
I cropped and tried a few different things but still 22k is the smallest I can get.
I guess I should try the rat guts:thumbdown:
I'm not sure about your program, but in Photoshop (or similar) you can do two main things to reduce the file size. The first is to reduce the actual size of the image. For an avatar, you are probably looking at something like 100 pixels by 100 pixels or smaller.
The next thing is the compression/quality. When you save an image as a JPEG, you (in Photoshop etc.) can choose the compression level, which has a big affect on the file size.
Its a noob answer,and i still do this for simplicity,but load it onto paint on windows and resize by 50% if you have it at 22k
This shouldn't be this much of a problem but I don't have PS on my machine just Picasa. I opened in paint and resized by 50 % but this did not reduce the file size by 50%.
The other option with the mete data I am not sure how to do. In paint with save as it gives me the option to save for the web but it saves as a GIF file and it is very spotty and horrible quality. I have looked at many other avatars on the site and the quality is better then mine as a GIF.
I had a similar problem and managed to find a free facility online via a google search. Don't have the link now but I searched "free online image resizing" or something like that and I seem to recall several options came up so I picked one and it worked well for my needs

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