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Summer baby.


TPF Noob!
Jan 20, 2008
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I just figured out that i should shoot in RAW.
on my screen, the baby looks pale (but amazingly cute)

now that youre shooting in RAW, boost your colors and increase your temperature!
on my screen, the baby looks pale (but amazingly cute)

now that youre shooting in RAW, boost your colors and increase your temperature!

I'm really just starting to learn what everything does, and it seems to me that i can process everything better in RAW. Portraits are weird for me, (mainly because it's my day job) and i still have the tendency to want to desaturate everything. Thanks.
I'm really just starting to learn what everything does, and it seems to me that i can process everything better in RAW. Portraits are weird for me, (mainly because it's my day job) and i still have the tendency to want to desaturate everything. Thanks.
if you prefer to desaturate, then you should do it
Very cute baby but I think the comp and background leave alot to wish for. Would be much cuter like at the beach or a pool with alot of bokah just to give the hint of where the baby is
Very cute baby but I think the comp and background leave alot to wish for. Would be much cuter like at the beach or a pool with alot of bokah just to give the hint of where the baby is

That would be cool. How would you do that? The baby isn't able to sit up on her own, so it seems like that could be a difficult shot.
a blanket. put her on her tummy and lay down in front. like this

a bumbo seat (only for a close up, bumbos look dumb in shots.

using a parent as a prop like this.

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