Sunny September Stroll


TPF Noob!
Aug 8, 2013
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Colorado, USA
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A few I took today for C&C

1 $00IMG_0635 1000p.jpg

2$00IMG_0671 1000p.jpg

3$00IMG_0647 1000p.jpg
The second one caught my eye most. I actually do like them all, but the second one sticks out.
I was swarmed by bees while taking photo #2. I was only a little worried about being stung, but what I should have worried about were the mosquitoes which ate me while I photographed #1.
I thought the bee photo was pretty good. Those bristley cone things...I see them around, am not sure what they are called.
The seed heads in #1 is my favorite. Very nice!
I thought the bee photo was pretty good. Those bristley cone things...I see them around, am not sure what they are called.

I knew what they were called when I was a kid, but I can't remember anymore!
I like the first 2 pictures, the bee is awesome! I love the movement of the wings, and on the first one the lighting makes the flower pop out.
Thanks! my wife tells me those are thistles, but I think of something else when I think of thistles. Perhaps they are simply a different kind of thistle than I am thinking of, but whatever they are they always signal the end of summer to me.
I really like the first one! For the second one, I would like to see the bee from the front. And for the third one, I don't find anything special in it.
The first image of the dried thistle says September the most to me.

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