Sunrise Middleton Beach.


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Jul 21, 2018
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Perth, Western Australia
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I just returned from a holiday in Albany, about 400km south of Perth here in Western Australia. I took this one at Middleton Beach in Albany.

Looks a nice place, for fishing too. Just enough movement in the water for me. Good one.
Nice job, it even looks like a morning shot with how the light is. How was the trip?
Love this...Beautiful!
Nice shot.....
Thanks Jeff

Looks a nice place, for fishing too. Just enough movement in the water for me. Good one.
Thanks very much. Yes it is a popular fishing spot. Albany actually had a whaling station until it's closure in 1978.

Nice job, it even looks like a morning shot with how the light is. How was the trip?
That was the best morning sunrise we had while we were down there. Overcast most of the other days. It was great to go travelling again even if only in WA. We are planning ahead to September to go to Denmark a town a bit further up the coast from Albany.

Love this...Beautiful!
Thanks very much Susan. Glad you like it.
great light, the soft water gives it a very peaceful feeling.

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