Sunset 81920


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 15, 2019
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Central Florida (Ruskin area)
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We could barely see the sun through the smoke filled haze from all the forest fires. Being in the central valley we get smoke from northern and southern California. 108°F temps aren't helping much either. If I could afford to get out of this state I would be gone in a flash.
Gorgeous sky!
Yes, another tranquil scene, beautifully coloured.

We could barely see the sun through the smoke filled haze from all the forest fires. Being in the central valley we get smoke from northern and southern California. 108°F temps aren't helping much either. If I could afford to get out of this state I would be gone in a flash.

Thank you! I feel your pain, high temps and humidity alone are enough to drive you mad. It's one of the reasons I don't miss Texas a whole lot. I miss the b-b-q more than anything.

Gorgeous sky!
Yes, another tranquil scene, beautifully coloured.
Very nice shot.....

Thanks, everyone, I appreciate it.

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