Sunset and nightshots (9pics)


TPF Noob!
Mar 4, 2005
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Hoorn, The Netherlands
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Hello again

here are some more shots i took. I took these last night, same location as the other threads.
Even got a nifty selfpotrait here :mrgreen:

Anyways, here they are










Thanks for looking
Greetz Daan
very nice pictures Doenoe! they were taken with 350d yeah?? grrrrrrrrr :D
Very considerate of you, doenoe, that next time you'll go with a disposable camera.
For I, too, would so love to have a 350D... Meanwhile my hints towards Father Christmas, erm, my husband have taken up gigantic sizes ... he MIGHT understand what my biggest wish for Christmas is - maybe? I hope!

For these are so nice... but to get something similarly nice, "Father Christmas" would also have to bring me some seaside, and I fear that is asking too much and I have to be modest............
LaFoto said:
"Father Christmas" would also have to bring me some seaside, and I fear that is asking too much and I have to be modest............

Fly over to the UK again! We've got loads of seaside!:biglaugh:

I think all the people with nice expensive cameras should use disposables until the rest of us can all get our dream camera! :lol: :thumbup:
PlasticSpanner said:
Did you intend to get the Big Dipper (Asterism of Ursa Major) in the last one? If not then you've managed to get it dead center and very clear!:thumbup:

Uhm no, i didnt. I was going for the clouds, i thought they looked kinda cool. But i did notice the Big Dipper when i was watching the pics on my pc. Was a nice surprise :mrgreen:

And LaFoto, since you are talking about a man, hints dont help. You just have to ask for the camera, else you will get something you didnt a coffee maker or something. :lmao:

And thanks for the comments :)
The second last is my favorite too, im thinking of printing that one 40x60 cm and hang in in my room. Since i got more then enough space to hang pictures...........for now :)
i'm with force the 2nd to last is my favorite, but i really like your shot of the big dipper (ursa major) with the clouds, even if it wasn't intentional! :D
ok, straightend the horizon in the selfportrait and the water-pole pic. Well, i think they are straight now, but im kinda tired. So there might be a chance they arent :p

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