Sunset Cliché from my roof


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Jun 1, 2010
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I have a flat roof with access with a sea view. Just before heading out I noticed a small area of colour in the sky and made myself late for an event I was attending 40 miles away to grab the shot.

Pentax 645Z FA 400 f/5.6 at f/11 1/125 ISO 400

PT evening sun-2 copy by singingsnapper, on Flickr
I have a flat roof with access with a sea view. Just before heading out I noticed a small area of colour in the sky and made myself late for an event I was attending 40 miles away to grab the shot.

Pentax 645Z FA 400 f/5.6 at f/11 1/125 ISO 400

PT evening sun-2 copy by singingsnapper, on Flickr
Beautiful shot. And not "just another sunset," in my opinion.
That sensor held the highlights pretty well, compared to what many digital cameras used to be able to do! I do not miss the days when anything like this, with the sun in it, had a MASSIVE, yellow-tinted blowout as an "aura" around the sun sphere!
Thanks both! I exposed for area close to the sun (not the sun itself) and as is normal with the 645Z I used 0.7 negative exposure compensation to preserve the highlights.
Very nice. I would love to own one of those cameras. that is my dream camera.
This is nice, but I think I like the first one better because the houses were all dark and did not detract from the subject - the sun as it is setting. Showing the houses in the second one provides a distraction for the viewer IMHO.

It's certainly different from the first. Perhaps it should have had a separate thread. It's more of an urban sunset. The first suggests it but this one is more pronounced.

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