Synchronized Swinging


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 3, 2010
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Your son gets high.
I thought of something totally different when I read the title lol. Cool photo.
All of the important stuff is in the top half and there's nothing of any note in the bottom to anchor it.

I gotta say, I think that works here. Cropping anything off the bottom makes it too tight and changes the image for the worse imo.
I gotta say, I think that works here. Cropping anything off the bottom makes it too tight and changes the image for the worse imo.

I can understand both points of view. But I wouldn't crop the bottom on this one. I feel it gives the viewer a better feeling of height. But I do wish I stepped back a few steps to allow more space on the top for some balance.
I didn't think that cropping the bottom would help.
I think that if more of the swing, particularly the other leg, were shown, then the impression of swinging up away from an earth-bound object would be stronger.
I didn't think that cropping the bottom would help.
I think that if more of the swing, particularly the other leg, were shown, then the impression of swinging up away from an earth-bound object would be stronger.

OIC. There is more in the original but those areas had other people and distracting elements :'(

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