Test shoot by the lake


TPF Noob!
Jun 23, 2012
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Woke up this morning with heavy rain but,was able to snap for a few hours.These are my first photos taken with this camera.Actually my first shoot ever with a decent camera.I picked up a Nikon D3100 and purchased LR 4 this a couple days ago.Don't be to critical,i am a noob haha $storm lake  6-23 016.jpg$storm lake  6-23 032.jpg$storm lake  6-23 041.jpg$storm lake  6-23 070.jpg$storm lake  6-23 085.jpg$storm lake  6-23 114.jpg$storm lake  6-23 144.jpg$storm lake  6-23 153.jpg
Is the d3100 any good I'm getting the d3200 soon ill post pics when I get it to see if it has any different quality

you fail before sucsess
A couple of points - you have a few too many images for anyone to try and comment on them on an individual basis and they are not numbered. Personally, I am quite prepared to offer my 0.02¢ worth if the OP asks, but when there are more than 3 to 4 images, I tend to not comment - figure it out, it will take any well-meaning "reviewer" about 5± minutes a photo to comment on an image, so 8 images - I tend to ignore the request - too much time required to do a reasonably decent commentary. As for numbering them, it simply makes it a lot easier for a reviewer to refer to a numbered image than to have to be flipping back and forth to make sure that they are commenting on the right image. HTH.

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