The Ban the person above you game!!

Lush? Lush! Did you just call me a lush? (I believe you did). Banned for making such an assumption....I can assure you I know how to hold my liquor.
Reminds me of the old saloon tag line - "Liquor in the front, Poker in the rear"

Banned for making my mind wander uncontrollably...
Banned for clearly having had a misspent youth, hanging out in bars and gambling*. :sexywink:

(*that is to what that saloon slogan pertains, right?)
Banned for being in the right place at the right time.
AArrrgggghhhhhh!!!! Most definitely BANNED and DOUBLE BANNED for suggesting that the right place to be hanging out would be in front of Hertz :confused:
Dare I say that I'm actually beneath Hertz? Banned for making the innuendo to begin with.
I ban John... well because I haven't ban anyone in a while.

And it feels goooOOOOooood!
Banned for only having 25 bans to your name and have a total post count less than my number of bans (now there's a damning indictment)

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