The Blue City: Vancouver


TPF Noob!
Mar 10, 2012
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Vancouver, BC
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One of my first shots which I actually deem appropriate to print. Taken down by the rocks near Kitsilano in Vancouver, BC. Only constructive criticism please, and bear in mind that I am still a teenager and not by any means a professional. Also, if linking to 500px is not allowed, please let me know!

500px / Photo "The Blue City" by Lorenzo Lindo

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lorenzol said:
One of my first shots which I actually deem appropriate to print. Taken down by the rocks near Kitsilano in Vancouver, BC. Only constructive criticism please, and bear in mind that I am still a teenager and not by any means a professional. Also, if linking to 500px is not allowed, please let me know!

500px / Photo "The Blue City" by Lorenzo Lindo

<img src=""/>

Great shot, love the rocks in the foreground. Kinda wish I lived in Vancouver, looks great for photography. I'm not an expert though, since I'm a teenager as well :)
I've never head Vancouver called the 'Blue' city...I usually think green when I think of Vancouver. I'm always amazed by how green & lush everything is in Vancouver...especially compared to Edmonton.

But I really like your shot here. The composition was well chosen and the exposure works great.

A couple suggestions; I think it would be a bit better if you cropped off some of the sky. The sky is all the same tone, so we don't get much benefit of including so much of it. I'd crop it down to just above where your name is. If you could have panned the camera down a bit, including more of the rocks in the foreground would be nice as well.

Also, I think it could be rotated a degree or so to the left.
I completely agree with Big Mike's suggestions. And please move your watermark down to the bottom of the photograph, and loose the PHOTOS BY. You might as well placed it dead center as it competes with the subject for our attention.

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